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A subscription-based pocket journal. 

Cheaper, more convenient, and they burn just the same.  


Central, Oregon


44.0582° N, 121.3153° W

We all think and create using different methods.  Our definitions of good and bad are different.  But there are some commonalities.  We all fuck up.  No one knows exactly how to play this game.  Everything we know and love is temporary.  So why make a journal any different? 

burner-books have no lines. If you can’t write straight —write crooked. No rules. Flexible expiration date.  At the beginning of the month, we all start at zero.  A new burner-book is sent to all subscribers on the first. Match the old burner-book, mess or masterpiece, to the bright side of a cigarette. What’s done is done.  The burner-book is about the stream of human creativity, not about a tepid puddle of the past.


Ethically sourced... no kids or puppies were harmed.  Recycled paper.  The more subscriptions, the more we'll be able to give back to the world.   


100% bullshit free


10 out of 10 for catching ideas

Skip the formalities. You’re holding a neatly bound bundle of recycled paper. It isn’t spectacular. There’s no gold leaf binding. With a solid bulk production, the breakdown cost for a single burner is about $1.50. Add fifty-cents for a stamp. Add the cost of an envelope and some behind the scenes promotional effort and it’s offered to you at about $3 a book.

You could most certainly make one of these yourself. In fact, I’ll give you the dimensions. 9cm by 14cm and I’m using the metric system because that’s what the rest of the fucking world uses. The perfect size for your pocket. 46-pages. Thin enough to carry around at all times. You provide your own pen/pencil/crayon.


The Why 



Let me worry about the logistics. Your concern is the function. Call it a pocket journal, call it a monthly notebook, call it scratch paper, a vault for ideas — call it whatever you like. It only works if you write in it. Write your goals. Don’t write grocery lists. Write poems. Write little love notes to your bartender. But what is written must be done — attempted at least. Distraction and procrastination eat people alive. They eat time and spit out old, withered, nothings. If you don’t want to fall into that category. Think it, write it, go for it. Plain and simple. That’s how progress happens.


If we’re being honest, I don’t give a fuck how you put this flimsy burner book to use. If you run out of toilet paper, sacrifice it. If you’re in a bind, use it as tinder for a fire. Draw. Paint. Frame the thing for all I care. The vision isn't to promise you glory. The vision is to have a secret weapon in arm’s reach at all times. Ideas, goals, plans, none of these things arrive on schedule. They pop up throughout the day or night. They appear out of thin air, or from some passing inspiration, and they are just as easily forgotten. 


The burner book isn’t going to hold you accountable — that’s your job.


1 out of 4 in wiping material


92% of ideas never get remembered

The idea isn’t to store these up in a mausoleum and have them buried with your corpse. Like everything else in life, they’re temporary. The burner-book is a reminder not to put it off. A flammable flap of encouragement to keep fighting, moving, crawling forward. May you find enough courage to live the life you want to live.


1000 in first run


70% chance of doodling 


over 200,000 pennies invested


