Grant Woods

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Israel-Palestine Conflict for Dummies

Israel missile strike in Gaza Strip

If you’ve been even remotely conscious during the last month, you’re probably aware of the flaring conflict between Israel and Palestine.  Let’s start slow. 


Take your right hand and make and oval with your thumb and index finger.  It might look like a D or a lopsided O but who cares.  For the sake of this lesson, this shape is Israel.  Now take two fingers on your left hand stick the tips into the hole we’re calling Israel.  I assume you’re using your index and middle fingers, and I assume you’re not sensually thrusting them in and out like some weird double vaginal porn symbol.  Grow up. 

Now, separate those two fingers to the outer edges of Israel.  Good.  Those two fingers represent the Palestinian controlled West Bank (index finger), and Gaza Strip (middle finger).  As you can see from your fingers, Palestinians control a relatively insubstantial portion of Israel.  It’s actually less than that.  Israel controls additional pockets within those marginal Palestinian territories. 

The holy city of Jerusalem is located in Israel, near the western boarder of the West Bank.  (The inner edge of your index finger). 

Conflict Origins

After WWII, the recently massacred Jewish people wanted their own country.  So after an initial scuffle between Arabs and Jews in 1948, the United Nations did some fast math, divided up Palestine, and created what is now Israel.  Obviously, the surrounding and displaced Arabs weren’t happy.  The Jewish people, tired of being abused, and believing this land was traditionally theirs according to the Torah, weren’t going anywhere.

You can stop doing that thing with your fingers now.

Now we have two angry neighbors; the Jewish people in Israel, and mainly Arabs in Palestine.  1967 rolls around and the two go at it again.  This time Israel occupies more Palestinian territory, and again refuses to leave.  The divide hardens, the hatred between the two groups grows, blah blah blah.

In 2005 Israel leaves Gaza.  Shortly after, Hamas wins the election and takes control of the region.  Hamas isn’t that stuff you rub on pita bread, but instead, a Palestinian Sunni Islamic organization which the United States has deemed a “terrorist organization.”  Are they truly a terrorist organization?  I don’t know.  It may have something to do with the fact that the U.S. has been in bed with Israel for many moons and continues to subsidize upwards of 25% of their defense budget.  Basically, if anyone fucks with Israel, the U.S. is the menacing shadow standing off to the side like a big brother, ready to offer sucker-punch assistance at a moment’s notice.

Gaza Strip, with about 1.5 million Palestinians, is a difficult region to live in.  Israel controls all of their borders and limits what gets in and out.  The resources are unstable at best, leaving the Palestinians with a struggling economy, power cuts, and no airport.

Gaza’s governing body, Hamas, refuses to recognize Israel as a country.  The organization wants all Palestinian land to be returned back to the over 4 million Palestinian refugees who have been displaced throughout the tumultuous history.

What’s going on now?

July of 2014, the two groups are at it again – or still.  Rockets are currently being fired to and from both regions.  The Palestinians, with no real army, are getting the worst of it.  With media exposing graphic footage of slain Palestinian children and civilians, many accusatory fingers have been pointed at Israel.

A few weeks ago, 3 Israeli teenagers were abducted and killed by Palestinian extremist.  This horrendous act set off another wave of violence.  The Israel Defense Forces have since begun to operate more aggressively toward Palestinian opposition, making hundreds of arrests.

In response to the 3 murdered teenagers, Israeli extremist sought revenge by kidnapping and burning a 14 year old Palestinian boy.  The Jewish community readily condemned this behavior and 3 Jewish men have been charged for the crime.        

Anytime there are dead children in the arms of crying fathers, it’s easy to issue blame.  Although the majority of the casualties have been Palestinians, the conflict is far more complicated than that.

Aware that my analogy may offend Palestinians, I compare it to a group of women fighting against men.  Relax - I’m not saying Palestinians fight like women.  Israel’s military is much better equipped, trained, and prepared as compared to Hamas’ non-army.  Like women fighting men, in a matchup this one-sided, it’s easy to quickly label the dominate side “barbaric.”  However, this is not a matter of men versus women. 

Both sides are acting aggressively.  Hamas has launched over 1,000 rockets at Israel, and Israel has answered back with missile fire of their own.  The only difference is – Israel has a fucking military.  Along with that, they have anti-missile technology coined the “Iron Dome,” that intercepts 90% of Hamas launched rockets.

Although Israel is clearly the dominant opponent, there are no winners.  Dead children and civilians on both sides and no real progress.  Arabs and Jews have been fighting over an alleged holy land for years.  This probably won’t be the end of it.  I guess it all depends on which team God is rooting for.