under the influence

Don’t tell me you aren’t influenced

influence happens

you’ve got your mother’s accent

influence is supposed to happen

good and bad

i’m influenced by the way Action Bronson raps

and rolls joints

i’m influenced by Anthony Bourdain 

standing behind a knife in the kitchen 

by Hunter S. Thompson's inclination to take chances

and substances

I’m influenced by Charles Bukowski’s poetry

John Fante’s simplicity

By vehicles with manual transmission 

no power steering

the ability to choose

and fuckup royally


I’m influenced by the way Cuban people cook

I’m influenced by Colombian dance

I’m influenced by black coffee’s effectiveness

By the power of solitude

It can drive you crazy 

or bring you back

I’m influenced by my woman’s hips

when she stomps on a cockroach

I’m influenced by an unapologetic smile 

full of crooked teeth 

I’m influenced by dirty fingernails

in the best way

I’m influenced by rain 

and the second snow of the season

because the second one means business


I’m influenced by big trees that die and fall

I’m influenced by bic pens that write black ink

nothing fancy about them


I’m influenced by trousers that don’t tear in the crotch

by women with wild hair

by wrinkles around the eyes

from laughter

I’m influenced by fire 

in a pit

or at the end of a matchstick


I’m influenced by the moon

in all its shapes

the full moon because it lights the night

the crescent moon because it looks like a stain from a coffee mug

i’m influenced by courage

people who take a stance

and keep it

until proven wrong

I’m influenced by learners

I’m influenced by people who speak one language 

and dream in another

I’m influenced by succulents that don’t require much of anything

by bees that sting despite the penalty of death

I’m influenced by commitment

I’m influenced by love 


and temporary

I’m influenced by forgiveness 



I’m influenced by callused hands

by endurance

by heart 



I’m influenced by the willingness 

and the ability 

to fight to the death