Green Hair (strangers)

Grass colored bangs topped with a shimmery purple bow.  The light plays favorable against her fair skin.  Sunlight creates the type of contours on her cheekbones that makeup artists clamor over.  There’s a horseshoe shaped piercing through her septum. Matching silver studded snake bites sit just below exaggerated red lips.  Her mannerisms give tale to an older role model; a rambunctious sister or a fashionable mother.

This girl is young, a teenager with the eyes of a grown woman.  The conversation she’s dominating is too far away to eavesdrop.  A black faux-leather jacket is strategically wrapped about her waist.  Her legs are covered to the ankle with black tights.  The ninety degree weather has not dissuaded her long premeditated style. 

Turquoise nails, which should clash, blend almost seamlessly into the fading tips of her green hair.  The ring on her wedding finger doesn’t denote marriage, but rather a rebellious nature.  Not yet old enough to buy beer, but already wise enough to stray from society’s regulation.     

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